We are developing tomorrow’s leaders by sowing biblical truths into their hearts.
We consider it an honor to encourage and equip parents to invest in the next generation (Proverbs 22:6). Our Children’s & Student Ministries are a safe and fun environment for your kids to grow in their relationship with God and others. We prioritize children because we understand they are a gift from God (Psalm 127:3). At COTK, we believe you don’t have to wait to be great. You can be a great kid now!
What To Expect
As you and your child arrive at our parent concierge desks, you will be greeted by a member of our COTK Kids team. At the concierge desk, you will receive a name tag for your child, an asset tag for your diaper, & a corresponding security tag for yourself.
*Please alert parent check-in personnel of any information that will help in caring for your child, such as allergies or special needs.
After you have completed the check-in process & taken your child to his or her room, wave a quick good-bye & head into the adult worship service. As you know, it is common for little ones to cry when a parent leaves. This, typically, does not last long. Separation will become easier over time. Our leaders will immediately engage your child in a toy or activity & ensure your child that you will return soon. If your child cries for an extended period of time, we will page you via text to the number you provided or your put your security tag number on the screen in the adult worship service.
We ask that you bring as few items as necessary to service. One diaper is plenty along with a bottle if feeding will be needed during service time. Please label all personal items (including pacifiers and sippee cups) with your child’s first & last name before arriving at your child’s class. This helps us know which items belong to your child.
When the time comes to pick up your child, please return to the appropriate room & present your security tag to the COTK Kids volunteer at the door. The tag will be matched to your child’s name tag before he/she will be released into your care. A child will not able to leave the room, with a parent, without the presentation of the security tag. In the event you lose your security tag, you will be asked to show proper government identification before your child is returned to you. Please make sure that you have all of your child’s belongings with you before you leave.
Age Groups
(6 Weeks – 3 Years)
Our Nursery is filled with staff and volunteers that love to take care of smaller children. They understand that your child needs special care so you can enjoy the Sunday service you are attending.
In K4-K5 the environment and spaces are tuned to kids that need a little more wiggle room, they are getting bigger! The games and teaching are designed for a child of this age set so that they can feel engaged and still have a lot of fun.
(Grades 1st – 5th)
Sundays during morning worship services
Kids of the King is our high-energy, high-fun, Christ-centered ministry for elementary-age kids. Your kids will experience life-change through small groups led by an adult leader. Afterward, we transition into our large group environment that includes:
• Music & Worship
• Physical challenges & wacky games
• Video
• Creative Bible stories
• Other fun surprises!